📓 learn, measure build for startups
- learn - what is learning goal?
- measure - what data will help answer the question?
- build - what is minimum action to take to generate the data?
- choosing the appropriate approach to generate data
- is question open-ended (generative) or closed-ended (evaluative) (yes/no)?
- questions and methods
- generative + market
- questions
- Who is our customer?
- What are their pains?
- What job needs to be done?
- Is our customer segment too broad?
- How do we find them?
- methods
- customer discovery interviews
- contextual inquiry / ethnography
- data mining
- focus groups
- open-ended surveys
- evaluative + market
- questions
- Are they really willing to pay?
- How much will they pay?
- How do we convince them to buy?
- How much will it cost to sell?
- Can we scale marketing?
- methods
- 5-second tests
- conjoing analysis
- market research
- closed-ended surveys
- smoke tests (landing page)
- sales pitch
- pre-sales
- flyers
- pocket test
- event
- fake door
- generative + product
- questions
- How can we solve this problem?
- What form should this take?
- How important is the design?
- What's the quickest solution?
- What is the minimum feature set?
- How should we prioritize?
- methods
- solution interview
- contextual inquiry/ethnography
- demo pitch
- concierge test/consulting
- competitor usability
- picnic in the graveyard
- evaluative + product
- questions
- Is this solution working?
- Are people using it?
- Which solution is better?
- How should we optimize this?
- What do people like/dislike?
- Why do they do that w/ my product?
- methods
- paper prototypes
- clickable prototypes
- usability
- hallway
- live
- remote
- wizard of oz
- takeaway
- functioning products
- analytics/dashboards
- surveys (NPS)
- market questions
- How are they doing this job today?
- Does the customer segment already have a solution to this pain?
- Is this customer segment really willing to pay for a better solution?
- What is the cost to acquire a customer in this customer segment?
- product questions
- How can we solve this problem?
- How important is the design?
- What is the minimum feature set?
- Is this solution working?
- How should we optimize the solution?
- What do people like/dislike about the solution?