📓 moral foundations

Righteous Mind https://righteousmind.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/ch07.RighteousMind.final_.pdf

Care - Harm for children, child-like things sensitive to suffering and need

anti-cruelty, anti-harm

Fairness - Cheating tit-for-tat; reciprocity vs. cheating how to reward cooperation w/o getting exploited

(... just-world belief, karma) (markets as being evolution of tit-for-tat?)

Loyalty - Betrayal (to your group/tribe/team) innate love of tribalism, competition (amongst males)

anti-enemy anti-traitor

(imo, related to tit-for-tat, except, IOUs that are transferable to other members of your group)

Authority - Subversion beneficial hierarchy respect for authority (parents, etc.) but, with expectation that authority cares for subordinates (tit-for-tat-esque benefit exchange?)

obedience, respect, submission disobedience, disrespect, rebellion

Sanctity - Degradation infection, stain, pollution, impurity disgust, taboo, sexuality, body-horror

related to avoiding infection particularly food ("omnivore's dilemma") also disease

"behavioural" immune system

fear of immigrants/newcomers, b/c source of disease

sacred objects/places/etc. "psychology of sacredness helps bind individuals into moral communities"

Freedom/Liberty/Individualism – Oppression/Collectivism

Politics: Left: care + fairness Conservatives: care + fairness

everyone cares about 'care' and 'fairness' but, left/right disagree about authority, loyalty, purity

 => related to open-ness
    loyalty: X  let's celebrate diversity
    authority: X   let's question
    purity: X   let me do what I want

Care Left: care for others (poor, suffering, weak; ex. animals)

Right: anti-harm: 'don't tread on me', libertarian no-violence-doctrine, pro-life, 'think of the children'

Fairness Left: equality (rich a result of broken system; exploitation), Right: proportionality, don't give money to non-deserving/lazy

Loyalty Left: universalism (all together) Right: nationalism (our tribe)

Authority Left: (weak) opposition too hierarchy, inequality, power Right: (strong) traditions, institutions, values, stability

Sanctity Left: "cleanse of toxins", environmentalism, pre-industrialist-degredation Right: sanctity of life, chastity, body-as-a-temple

IMO: modern society demands more of us than our 'innate morals' rationality can be more powerful, but, 'hollow'

modern society results in complex situations that force conflicts/tradeoffs of our 'innate morals' ex. conservatives:

our social circle influences us on how to resolve these tradeoffs (adjust the weights)

liberal vs conservative: liberals: pro-active intervention on positive morals; conservatives: non-intervention, avoid negatives

   ex. Fairness
         lib - take action to promote equality
         con - avoid taking away of what I deserve

video https://www.ted.com/talks/jonathanhaidtthemoralrootsofliberalsandconservatives?language=en#t-30164

left more "open to experience" than right

"openness to experience" novelty changing vs. familiar

morals => team imo: !!! (but also, team => morals)

science, rationality as authority vs. nature, emotion, innate

partisan distrust of scientists (not necessarily science) b/c scientists tend to be liberal

  1. What are the key insights in the moral foundation theory related to the default template of moral sentiments humans have?
  1. How do different worldviews emphasize different moral taste receptors?
  2. How do motivated reasoning and this diverse set of moral dimensions interplay?

as per last time, morals inluenced by your cultural surroundings

tweak the 'balance' of the morals
tradeoffs between them in modern society
also, whether pro-positive vs, anti-negative
  1. How does this affect your perspective of people who have different moral beliefs than you?
 have similary fundamental morals, but weight them differently
 some people better able to 'override' innate morals
  1. Using moral foundation theory make a "strong man" (vs. straw man) argument from the perspective of someone who disagrees with your moral position.
  1. How could these concepts of moral diversity be instructive in the workplace from a diversity and inclusion perspective?
  search for mutual understanding of underlying motivations
  seek to recognize reactions in self and override rationally

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