๐ rgb vs display-p3
- On https://css-tricks.com/new-css-color-features-preview/, a commenter asks:
- "...why we need display-p3, and why we canโt express all colors with RGB anymore?"
- My response:
- We were never able express all colors with RGB.
- RGB in the browser was using sRGB, which is a certain mapping of R,G,B numbers to a subset of all colors.
- Display P3 is a different mapping of R,G,B numbers to a different subset of all colors.
- A given display monitor can only display a certain subset of all colors.
- sRGB used to be sufficient, but newer monitors support a larger subset of all colors, so Display P3 is needed. Just re-mapping sRGB to a wider range would break all previous colors that developers put in their apps.
- See this diagram:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DCI-P3#/media/File:CIE1931xygamutcomparisonofsRGBP3Rec2020.svg
- https://css-tricks.com/new-css-color-features-preview/#comment-1807151