I was just editing the transcript of my "Solving Problems the Clojure Way" talk, and thought: "gods, I speak like a madman", but, when listening to the talk, it sounds fine
our language expectations for speech vs writing are so vastly different
reading transcribed speech is painful, and the speaker comes off mad
so many "um..."s, "you know"s, "like"s, stutters, half sentences, merged thoughts
listening to written word out load is also painful and way too formal
related thoughts:
during the Trump era, there were a lot of "insane" Trump speech quotations shared, but, in retrospect, they probably read more insane than they sounded
this difference is also why natural dialogue is so hard to write when script-writing - once it's on paper/screen, it's processed differently
when I prepare a talk, I only write conceptual bullet points, so that I can talk naturally about the subject, but have the bullets remind me what order I planned to speak about things in