🤔 inflation
- inflation is different for different individuals
- some things get cheaper over time, some things get more expensive
- ex. education, health-care, real-estate have been rising
- ex. tvs, computing power, solar panels have been dropping
- inflation is often measured by a basket-of-goods
- but, different people have different baskets they care about
- most notably: if you own a home, you don't care about real-estate increasing in price
- (unless you're downsizing or moving to a lower-cost-of-living area)
- similarly: if you're done college and don't plan to have kids, you don't care about education increasing in price
- government of canada gets this, and has a "personal inflation" calculator:
- https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2020cal-eng.htm